士師記 20:23
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)


士師記 20:26,27

詩篇 78:34-36

何西阿書 5:15

士師記 20:18

it was not to enquire concerning the {expediency} of the war, nor of its {success}, but which of the tribes should begin the attack: and the question is, `Shall I go up again to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother?' Having so much {right} on their side, they had no doubt of the {justice} of their cause, and the {propriety} of their conduct; and having such a {superiority} of numbers, they had no doubt of {success}. But God humbled them, and delivered them into the hands of their enemies; and shewed them that the race was not to the swift, not the battle to the strong.

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