以賽亞書 37:9
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)

he heard

撒母耳記上 23:27,28


1. The country watered by the Gihon or Araxes,

創世記 2:13

, also called Cuth,

列王紀下 17:30


2. A country of Arabia Petraea, bordering upon Egypt, which extended from the northern extremity of the Red sea along its eastern shore.

3. Ethiopia Proper, an extensive country of Africa, comprehending Nubia and Abyssinia; being bounded on the north by Egypt, on the east by the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, and on the south and west by various nations of Africa, and extending from about

6 degrees to

24 degrees n. lat. and

列王紀下 17:25


45 east long. It is probable that it was this latter Cush, or Ethiopia, of which Tirhakah was king; he being in league with his kinsman Sevechus, son of So, or Sabacon, king of Egypt, against Sennacherib, the king of Assyria.

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